The Humanity Of Mohammed

In a world often divided by religious differences, Dr. Craig Considine’s perspective on Prophet Mohammed from


Through its member organizations, Peace Islands Institute strives to foster environments of mutual respect and social

Conference & Panels

Peace Islands Institute Boston thought of the talk series as a venue to cultivate friendship and

Lecture – Q & A

Exciting News for Learners and Seekers of Knowledge! We are thrilled to announce an upcoming lecture

Women in Islam

In our ongoing series on understanding and appreciating the diverse facets of Islamic culture and theology,

Ramadan Program

As the blessed month of Ramadan approaches, we invite you to join our special program designed

Reception at State Capitol

The annual reception that takes place at the State Capitol provides an opportunity for policy makers

Community Service

Peace Islands Instıtute aims to be a proactive and productive part of society by partnering with

Summer Full Of Life

As the warm breezes start to roll in and the days stretch longer, we’re thrilled to

Ethiopia Library Project Shipping Cost

Greetings, Community of Book Lovers and Humanitarians! We’re reaching out with an update and a heartfelt